simple yet very capable website statistics and analytics service

FREE Private Website Visitor Tracking Service for Personal & Business Use

Designed for websites, Wordpress, blogs, social networks, and secure (SSL) eCommerce web stores
* For advanced plans, click here
One of the simplest to use website visitor counter and tracking software on the web!

Private Website Visitor IP Tracker / Analyzer:
Features and Installation Guide

Projects Summary Page

TraceMyIP stats summary

For advanced features, check out website analytics

Website and visitor IP address tracking features

  • Privately and securely monitor your website traffic 24x7
         - No ads placed on your website(s) !
  • Track all of your websites with one secure account in real-time
  • Monitor each visitor IP address individually and track visitor IP changes
  • Tag visitors and receive instant console and visitor activity email alerts

Visitor traffic sources and selective GEO tracking

  • Trace IPs and sources of the website traffic
  • Selectively track specific countries to save the log space and make the tracking reports more relevant with Selective GEO Tracking mode
  • Exclude specific countries from tracking or include only countries to be tracked

Individual visitor IP address data and management

  • Monitor the number of current online visitors browsing your website(s) in real-time for all websites simultaneously on one screen
  • Track individual visitor's first-time visit IP address and all IP changes since the first visit
  • Bookmark, tag, and assign full contact info to individual visitor IPs and computer IDs
  • Track advertising campaigns by Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other providers on each visitor's level

Additional website visitor tracking options

  • Scheduled and instant email alerts for specific visitor IP addresses and computer IDs
  • Track and control access to individual links and pages on your websites
  • Detect if your content is highjacked and used outside of your website and/or placed under a different domain name
  • Control public access to individual pages and links by IP, country, and time range tools
  • Add authorized users to your account with full or limited access to view the shared reports
  • Keep all of your personal and business website visitor traffic records private. Your advanced visitors' statistics and your email address are never shared with anyone (unless you choose to enable stats sharing). Not even with advertisers. That's the difference makes.
  • Get status on "What is my IP" address and how it changed over time
  • Optimized and dedicated WordPress plugin that allows for visitor tracking and access control

Website visitor tracking legal compliance

  • Gain a complete compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) directive by using EU GDPR Compliance Tools and cookie free tracking solution. EU Cookie Law applies to specific European Union member states and ALL websites that target EU residents.

IP targeted website visitor statistics

  • Accurate Real-Time website visitor clicks statistics
  • Hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly traffic statistics charts
  • Cumulative hourly statistics to see which hours of a day are most busy for your website(s)
  • Search engine localization analysis & website traffic flow ratios
  • Keywords visitors use to find your website(s)
  • Date & time of each individual page view
  • Visitors activity and visit frequency statistics
  • Visitors' geographical location information on country, state & city levels
  • Visitors' operating system, screen resolution, language usage, flash versions, cookie support, user agent stings, etc.
  • Visitors' browser name & version
  • Individual visitor's clicks and IP address statistics
  • Unique individual & returning website visitor statistics
  • External link analysis to see what links bring you most of the traffic
  • Most popular pages on your website analysis with click counts for individual web page
  • Primary entry and exit pages
  • SSL page statistics
  • SEO duplicate title stats

Quick setup, secure, and easy to use

  • Easy 20-second setup for each new website. Just copy and paste the system-generated code and watch the stats - No waiting!
  • No experience or special training is needed to understand your website visitor IP statistics
  • Full graphic charting support for Windows & MAC based systems. Adobe Flash and HTML5 charting is available for backward compatibility
  • Support for JavaScript, HTML, and native PHP environments
  • Statistics system doesn't affect the way your website works
  • Realtime visitor traffic statistics analysis, mapping and control of visitor flow
  • Individual page or secure web store product views tracking
  • Email and print campaign mediums localization reports
  • Secure SSL (HTTPS) eCommerce online store statistics reports
  • Support for a wide range of websites, blogs, forums, personal web pages, eCommerce web stores, professional corporate and other web-based establishments that support Javascript, HTML, and PHP.
  • Support for HTML-only content management systems that do not allow usage of the javascript.
  • Invisible tracker mode - can be enabled under each project's settings for Level 2+ subscriptions.

Sign up and check out many other available features!

* For full featured plans, click here

ip tracker service

All in *real-time* with list of visitor IPs and
easy to understand charts.

Get the code, login to your account, and trace your website visitors' activity now!

Supported: HTML Code - Compatibility Mode 2, BBCode - Bulletin Board Code, PHP Code - For PHP files only, Angelfire Free (, (, (, (, (blogspot), Buzznet (, (, (, hosted site (, (, (, (, (, (, Google Sites (, GrabMania (, HumanPets (, (, Homestead (, (, (, Jimdo (, Joomla, Jigsy (, (,lastfm), (, Microsoft Office Live (, (, MyHeritage (,, Ning (, (, PipelinePRO ( (, (, (, Forums, (, SharePoint2010 (, (, Simple Machines SMF Forum, (, (, (, (, (, (,, (, VIPsociety (, (, Website Tonight InstantPage GoDaddy (, - hosted by (, WordPress plug-in - self installed & hosted (, (, Webnode (, Webstarts (, (,, Other Social Networks, Other Blog Providers and many others.

TraceMyIP interface navigation badge

To start tracking, click on the style of the IP / Visitor tracker icon you would like to use and follow the screen prompts.

IP tracker style

How does it work? Click here to learn.
How does the control panel look? Click here to see.
For all options, please refer to plans.

Please select and install only one visitor tracker style per website domain.
Installing multiple styles may disrupt accurate tracking results.

  1. Select the style of your tracker
  2. Follow the steps provided to generate your tracker code
  3. Place the code in the header or the footer of your website
  4. Login to TraceMyIP to instantly start tracking your website visitors!

Select Counter Type
The only difference between the tracker styles is their appearance on your web pages. However, your private account access will provide you with full website stats including visitors locations and IP addresses. You can also specify any starting number for a counter using your project's settings once you activate and login to your account.
BASIC Page View Counters
BASIC Visits Counters

PRIVATE Trackers

IP Address Boxes

IP Info COMBO Boxes
ip address
ip city
ip state
ip country
ip isp provider
ip organization
ip hostname
ip referrer

BADGES Page Views Counters
BADGES Visits Counters

Hidden / Invisible Tracker Option
Install any visible tracker style and ensure it appears on all pages of your website. Then, log in to your account and enable an Invisible Tracker option to hide it.

Summary of The Service • Frequently Asked Questions Advanced Statistics Services

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Q: Does provide a non-interrupted website traffic statistics acquisition?
A: Yes, provides 24x7 Website visitor traffic monitoring provides a complete and full featured website visitor traffic monitoring and statistics service with the highest uptime in the industry of 98+%. The other 2% includes the necessary system updates and the statistics database maintenance. As the number of personal and business website visitors grows, the servers are added to the website visitor tracking system to maintain the speed and quality of statistics acquisition.

Q: Does provide HTML visitor tracking code for websites based on content management systems?
A: Absolutely, supports websites that do not allow Javascript code usage.

Although the information gathered through HTML code tracking is somewhat limited, you will still be able to see the essential website visitors statistics. These include but not limited to how many individual first time and returning visits you had each day, how many pages were viewed on your site, the website visitors' geographical location, what pages each visitor has looked at, popularity of specific pages, visitor computer information, and other industry standard statistical data.

Q: Can I get website visitors stats from several websites and display the results in one place?
A: allows its users to monitor up to 60 websites with only one account and see the summary of real-time stats from all projects on a single page.

Furthermore, the most valuable feature that provides is collecting website visitors hit stats across multiple domains, subdomains and various website configurations. All while displaying the information in an easy to understand format. The traffic statistics from multiple websites is displayed on a single member's summary page, giving the user a way to easily compare the website traffic and evaluate the health of each individual website simultaneously.

Q: My website serves the content to EU member states and I'm required to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Can I still use TraceMyIP?
A: Absolutely! In fact, TraceMyIP provides the most comprehensive set of EU GDPR compliance tools that allow for a complete control of how each individual visitor is tracked. This includes GEO-Selective tracking and IP masking of specific IP addresses so that you can stay in full compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Q: By using as my website visitor tracker, will I find the statistics accurate?
A: Certainly. The proprietary algorithms developed by the team are the most accurate currently available. algorithms prevent false statistical inflation. Not only your website visitors are evaluated on a "private cookie placement" level, but they are also evaluated by a unique Internet Protocol ID, thus reassuring the most accurate website users' counts. Website clicks are recorded and divided into the three major groups:

  1. All web visitors' clicks across the entire content of the website pages
  2. Visitor clicks from unique computers to display how many unique website visitors you have had for any specified period of time
  3. Returned visitor clicks to find out how many of your website visitors returned to your website after a period of time

Q: Can I monitor my websites' traffic on an hour-by-hour basis?
A: Yes, you can access the easy to understand charts for 24-hour traffic stats.

The last 24-hour website traffic stats report displays all website visitors activity in the form of an easy to understand chart that tells you about the actual visitor traffic flow. This is useful if you run real-time website promotion campaigns or TV advertisement campaigns. By looking at the last 24-hour statistics, it becomes much easier to track visitor's activity during the special promotional events. This provides the information that allows to maximize the total success of your product marketing campaigns.

Q: Can I locate my website's visitor by geographical location?
A: Yes! The website visitor locator services are a part of the web visitor tracking system built-in within the website statistics service.

Furthermore, not only you can trace your website visitors by country of origin, but you can track your visitor's origin on state and city levels.

Q: Do I need to have any special training to use website statistics and analysis software?
A: Not at all. is one of the easiest software packages to learn and use.

Among a wide variety of users at, there were only a few who had questions on the usage of the system. The easy to understand user interface design makes it a great tool to use.

Q: Does the HTML / JavaScript visitor tacking code affect my website stability?
A: No. If the visitor tracking code is installed properly, your website functions will not be affected.

Regardless of the website visitor tracking system operating status, whether it is down for maintenance or up and running, your website will keep running as it's supposed to.

Q: How long does it take to install the HTML / JavaScript code for my website?
A: Less than a minute. All you need to do is click on the style of the website visitor tracker you would like to use, enter your website URL, email address, generate the visitor tracker code and paste it into the HTML section of your website between the opening and closing <body> tags.

Q: How is my website visitor's statistics data maintained? How long will it last?
A: It's permanently archived and stored for the lifetime of your account.

All visitors' activity such as page load counters, unique visits counters, returning visitor counters and the cumulative web visitor counters' values are stored in database for as long as your account is active.

Q: When I used another website statistics service on my SSL (HTTPS) website, I was getting the following error: "this page contains both secure and non-secure items". Will I have the same problem with visitor tracing and counter code?
A: Absolutely not. The system is designed to handle professional commercial web commerce applications and websites that utilize an SSL protocol.

To avoid "this page contains both secure and non-secure times" message displaying on your website, simply login to your account and select "Add New Project" from the user menu. As you go through the prompt of creating a project, simply check the box to have an SSL / HTTPS compatible website visitor tracking code. This will resolve any problems associates with an error message "this page contains both secure and non-secure items "

Q: Is there a way to track the success of my email campaigns?
A: This is another feature of the system.

Simply create a project and place a specially generated code into the webpage of your email campaign message and watch the success and statistics of your web promotion email campaigns in real-time.

Q: Can I track separate web pages on my website to find out where my products receive their website traffic from?
A: You can track individual web store products and review the web pages popularity statistics individually.

Under the user menu, click on "Add New Project" button and generate a website visitor HTML / JavaScript tracking code. Use this code to place on an individual product webpage to collect the popularity of individual pages.

Q: Can be used for fraud investigation services?
A: Since provides highly unique visitor information and is able to track visitors even if they're changing their IP address, is currently being used by various establishments for online fraud prevention and monitoring.

By gathering the visitor's IP address information and the hosting provider information, it is possible to trace a particular visitor's location to the physical street level address with help of a proper authority and/or police involvement. Such legal investigation practices are possible with help of and would allow an investigating party to study IP tracing logs in order to narrow down an offending person’s internet protocol address.

Many owners of Internet web stores use on a daily basis to monitor web visitors background activity and even follow up on their Internet store purchase transactions to compare the information submitted via payment gateways with the visitor data information recorded by the system.

* For full featured plans, click here
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